Thursday 28 November 2013

Tetapan APN 3G Dan MMS Celcom, Digi and Maxis Untuk Android Phone

Android APN setting
1) Home -> Menu -> Settings -> Wireless & networks -> Mobile networks -> Access Points Name
2) Menu -> New APN


Celcom 3G Setting
Name: Celcom 3G Interne
tAPN: celcom3g
Proxy: Not Set
Port: Not Set
MCC : 502
MNC : 19
Authentication type :
PAPAPN type : internet

Celcom MMS Setting
Name: Celcom 3G Internet
APN: celcom3g
MMS Proxy:
Port: 8080
MCC : 502
MNC : 19
Authentication type :
PAPAPN type :mms
......................................................................*The rest of the field is blank.


Maxis Mobile Internet 3G
Access point name : unet
Username :
Password :
Account name : Maxis 3G
WAPProxy server address :
Proxy server port : 80

Access point name : unet
Username :
Password :
Account name : Maxis 3G MMS
Proxy server address :
Proxy server port : 80
Service center address :

*Leave blank for Username & Password options.*The rest of the field is blank.


Maxis Mobile Internet 2G
Access point name : net
Username :
Password :
Account name : Maxis WAP 2.0
Proxy server address :
Proxy server port : 80

Access point name : net
Username :
Password :
Account name : Maxis MMS 2.0
Proxy server address :
Proxy server port : 80
Service center address :

*Leave blank for Username & Password options.
*The rest of the field is blank.


Name : DiGi Internet
APN: diginet
MCC: 502
MNC: 16
APN Type: default(Others, blank)

APN: digimms
Username: mms
Password: mms
Port: 80
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 80
MCC: 502MNC: 16APN
Type: mms

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Tutorial Membuat "Go To Top" dan "Go To Bottom" Menggunakan JQuery

Tutorial Membuat "Go To Top" dan "Go To Bottom" Menggunakan JQuery
Screenshot "Go To Top" dan "Go To Bottom" 

1. Login ke akaun blogger anda.
2. Klik pada Template

3. Klik Edit HTML

4. Klik pada ruang edit html dan tekan CTRL+F untuk paparkan ruang search

5. Cari kod dibawah:

6. Copy (CTRL+C) dan Paste (CTRL+V) kod dibawah sebelum kod  ]]></b:skin>
/* Up and Down Buttons with jQuery
----------------------------------------------- */
padding:7px; /* Distance between the border and the icon */
border:1px solid #CCC; /* Border Color */
background: white url( no-repeat top left;
background-position:50% 50%;
width:20px; /* Button's width */
height:20px; /* Button's height */
bottom:280px; /* Distance from the bottom */
right:5px; /* Change right to left if you want the buttons on the left */
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
padding:7px; /* Distance between the border and the icon */
border:1px solid #CCC; /* Border Color */
background: white url( no-repeat top left;
background-position:50% 50%;
width:20px; /* Button's width */
height:20px; /* Button's height */
bottom:242px; /* Distance from the bottom */
right:5px; /* Change right to left if you want the buttons on the left */
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
  • Boleh gantikan link/url image yang berwarna biru dengan gambar icon anda sendiri.

7. Seterusnya, cari kod dibawah:
8. Copy (CTRL+C) dan Paste (CTRL+V) kod dibawah sebelum kod  ]]></body>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<div class='button_up' id='button_up' style='display:none;'/>
<div class='button_down' id='button_down' style='display:none;'/>

(function(){var special=jQuery.event.special,uid1='D'+(+new Date()),uid2='D'+(+new Date()+1);special.scrollstart={setup:function(){var timer,handler=function(evt){var _self=this,_args=arguments;if(timer){clearTimeout(timer)}else{evt.type='scrollstart';jQuery.event.handle.apply(_self,_args)}timer=setTimeout(function(){timer=null},special.scrollstop.latency)};jQuery(this).bind('scroll',handler).data(uid1,handler)},teardown:function(){jQuery(this).unbind('scroll',jQuery(this).data(uid1))}};special.scrollstop={latency:300,setup:function(){var timer,handler=function(evt){var _self=this,_args=arguments;if(timer){clearTimeout(timer)}timer=setTimeout(function(){timer=null;evt.type='scrollstop';jQuery.event.handle.apply(_self,_args)},special.scrollstop.latency)};jQuery(this).bind('scroll',handler).data(uid2,handler)},teardown:function(){jQuery(this).unbind('scroll',jQuery(this).data(uid2))}}})();

$(function() {
var $elem = $('body');
$(window).bind('scrollstart', function(){
$(window).bind('scrollstop', function(){
function (e) {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $elem.height()}, 800);
} );
function (e) {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '0px'}, 800);
} );});

9. Klik Save Template

#Selesai :)

Tutorial Membuat Recent Post Mengikut Label

Tutorial Membuat Recent Post Mengikut Label
Screenshot Recent Post Mengikut Label


1. Login ke akaun blogger anda.
2. Klik pada Template

3. Klik Edit HTML

4. Klik pada ruang edit html dan tekan CTRL+F untuk paparkan ruang search

5. Cari (Search) kod dibawah:
6. Copy (CTRL+C) dan Paste (CTRL+V) kod dibawah sebelum kod  ]]></b:skin>
/* Recent posts by labels
--------------------------------- */
margin-right:10px !important;
height:65px; /* Thumbnail height */
width:65px; /* Thumbnail width */
border: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);

.label_with_thumbs {
float: left;
width: 100%;
min-height: 70px;
margin: 0px 10px 2px 0px;
padding: 0;
ul.label_with_thumbs li {
padding:8px 0;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #999999;

.label_with_thumbs li{
list-style: none ;
padding-left:0px !important;

.label_with_thumbs a { text-transform: uppercase;}
.label_with_thumbs strong {padding-left:0px; }
7. Cari (Search) kod dibawah:
8. Copy (CTRL+C) dan Paste (CTRL+V) kod dibawah sebelum kod </head>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function labelthumbs(json){document.write('<ul class="label_with_thumbs">');for(var i=0;i<numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='replies'&&[k].type=='text/html'){var[k].title;var[k].href;}
if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break;}}var thumburl;try{$thumbnail.url;}catch(error)
{s=entry.content.$t;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!="")){thumburl=d;}else thumburl='';}
var postdate=entry.published.$t;var cdyear=postdate.substring(0,4);var cdmonth=postdate.substring(5,7);var cdday=postdate.substring(8,10);var monthnames=new Array();monthnames[1]="Jan";monthnames[2]="Feb";monthnames[3]="Mar";monthnames[4]="Apr";monthnames[5]="May";monthnames[6]="June";monthnames[7]="July";monthnames[8]="Aug";monthnames[9]="Sept";monthnames[10]="Oct";monthnames[11]="Nov";monthnames[12]="Dec";document.write('<li class="clearfix">');if(showpostthumbnails==true)
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top"><img class="label_thumb" src="'+thumburl+'"/></a>');document.write('<strong><a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top">'+posttitle+'</a></strong><br>');if("content"in entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t;}
if("summary"in entry){var postcontent=entry.summary.$t;}
else var postcontent="";var re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;postcontent=postcontent.replace(re,"");if(showpostsummary==true){if(postcontent.length<numchars){document.write('');document.write(postcontent);document.write('');}
else{document.write('');postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,numchars);var quoteEnd=postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd);document.write(postcontent+'...');document.write('');}}
var towrite='';var flag=0;document.write('<br>');if(showpostdate==true){towrite=towrite+monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)]+'-'+cdday+' - '+cdyear;flag=1;}
{if(flag==1){towrite=towrite+' | ';}
if(commenttext=='1 Comments')commenttext='1 Comment';if(commenttext=='0 Comments')commenttext='No Comments';commenttext='<a href="'+commenturl+'" target ="_top">'+commenttext+'</a>';towrite=towrite+commenttext;flag=1;;}
{if(flag==1)towrite=towrite+' | ';towrite=towrite+'<a href="'+posturl+'" class="url" target ="_top">More »</a>';flag=1;;}
9. Klik Save Template

10. Klik pada Layout  dan  klik " Add a Gadget " pada mana-mana bahagian yang anda nak untuk letakkan kod javascript tu nanti.

11. Cari HTML/Javascript dan klik butang tambah.

12.  Copy (CTRL+C) kod javascript dibawah:
 <script type='text/javascript'>var numposts = 3;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = true;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 100;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/NAMA_LABEL?published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>
  • NAMA_LABEL - Tukarkan dengan nama labels post yang ingin di paparkan.
13. Paste (CTRL+V) pada ruang Content 

14. Seterusnya klik " Save " dan lihat la hasilnya..

Friday 22 November 2013

Tutorial Menambah "Efek Keyboard Key" Pada Blogger


1. Login ke akaun blogger anda.
2. Klik pada Template

3. Klik Edit HTML

4. Klik pada ruang edit html dan tekan CTRL+F untuk paparkan ruang search

5. Cari kod dibawah:

6. Copy (CTRL+C) dan Paste (CTRL+V) kod dibawah sebelum kod  ]]></b:skin>
border:1px solid gray;
box-shadow:1px 0 1px 0 #eee, 0 2px 0 2px #ccc, 0 2px 0 3px #444;
margin:2px 3px;
padding:1px 5px;
7. Klik Save Template

Cara Memaparkan Efek Keyboard Key

1. Pada New Post Klik pada " HTML "
2. Gunakan kod dibawah:
 <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd>
Hasilnya seperti dibawah:

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tutorial Download Video Facebook Di Phone Android Menggunakan ES Downloader

Sebenarnya ada beberapa cara nak download video facebook dari phone android anda. Salah satu cara saya akan kongsi menggunakan Aplikasi ES File Explorer File Manager. Aplikasi ni terdapat beberapa fungsi seperti File Manager, Media Player dan Download Manager.

1. Download aplikasi ES File Explorer File Manager
Password (jika perlu) :

2. Install aplikasi ES File Explorer File Manager di phone android anda.

3. Cari video dari aplikasi Facebook anda dan klik pada video tersebut.

4.  Apabila keluar seperti gambar di bawah, pilih ES Downloader .

5. Tunggu sehingga proses download selesai.

Friday 15 November 2013

Tutorial Download Video Dari Facebook Tanpa Aplikasi Atau Menggunakan IDM

Tutorial Download Video Dari Facebook Tanpa Aplikasi Dan Menggunakan IDM
Tutorial Download Video Dari Facebook Tanpa Aplikasi Dan Menggunakan IDM
Entri kali berkenaan dengan cara untuk download video dari facebook tanpa sebarang aplikasi download atau dengan melalau aplikasi IDM . Mungkin ramai yang tahu trik ini dan mungkin ada juga yang belum tahu. Jadi yang belum tahu, boleh ikut tutorial dibawah ni :)

1. Cari dan buka video facebook yang nak di muatturun (download) .
2. Lihat pada Address Bar , gantikan " www  " (web version) menjadi " m " (mobile version).

3. Klik button Play pada video.
4. Klik Kanan (Right Click) pada video.
5. Klik pada " Save video as... " dan tunggu proses download video anda melalui browser selesai.


Untuk Download Melalui IDM
1. Klik pada " Copy video URL "
2. Buka aplikasi IDM anda.
3. Klik Add URL dan paste kan URL video anda.
4. Klik OK dan tunggu proses download selesai .

Sunday 10 November 2013

Koleksi Keygen/Keymaker All Adobe Product

Sambungan dari entri ADOBE CS3 / CS4 / CS5 / CS5.5 / CS6 / CC - DIRECT LINK (TRIAL PRODUCT) .

Adobe Creative Cloud
# X-Force Keymaker Multi (WIN / MAC)
Download | via SolidFiles | via TusFiles | via Sharebeast  [145KB]
Password (if needed) :

Support :
- Adobe Photoshop CC
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
- Adobe After Effects CC
- Adobe Illustrator CC
- Adobe Dreamweaver CC
- Adobe Flash Professional CC
- Adobe InCopy CC
- Adobe InDesign CC
- Adobe Audition CC
- Adobe Prelude CC
- Adobe SpeedGrade CC

** Cara penggunaan terdapat dalam file Zip diatas .


Adobe Creative Suite CS6

Coming soon................


Adobe Creative Suite CS4 / CS5 / CS5.5
# Universal Multi Keygen-CORE
Download | via SolidFiles | via TusFiles  [247 KB]
Password (if needed) :

The keygen will work with: 

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended v9.x
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro X Suite v1.x
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro X v10.x
  • Adobe After Effects CS4 v9.x
  • Adobe After Effects CS5.5 v10.5x
  • Adobe Audition CS5.5 v4.x
  • Adobe Audition v3.x
  • Adobe Captivate v4.x
  • Adobe Captivate v5.5x
  • Adobe Captivate v5.x
  • Adobe ColdFusion Builder v1.x
  • Adobe ColdFusion Builder v2.x
  • Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise v8.x
  • Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise v9.x
  • Adobe Contribute CS4 v5.x
  • Adobe Contribute CS5 v6.x
  • Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS5.5
  • Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS4
  • Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS4
  • Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS5
  • Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium 5.5
  • Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS4
  • Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5
  • Adobe Creative Suite Web Premium CS4
  • Adobe Director v11.x
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 v10.x
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 v11.x
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 v11.5x
  • Adobe eLearning Suite v1.x
  • Adobe eLearning Suite v2.x
  • Adobe Fireworks CS4 v10.x
  • Adobe Fireworks CS5 v11.x
  • Adobe Flash Builder Plug-in v4.x
  • Adobe Flash Builder v4.5x
  • Adobe Flash Builder v4.5x for PHP
  • Adobe Flash Builder v4.x
  • Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 v1.x
  • Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 v1.5x
  • Adobe Flash CS4 v10.x
  • Adobe Flash CS5 Pro v11.x
  • Adobe Flash CS5.5 Pro v11.5x
  • Adobe Flash Media Enterprise Server v4.5x
  • Adobe Flash Media Enterprise Server v4.x
  • Adobe Flash Media Gateway v4.5x
  • Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server v3.5.x
  • Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server v4.5x
  • Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server v4.x
  • Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server v3.5.x
  • Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server v4.5x
  • Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server v4.x
  • Adobe Flexbuilder v3.x
  • Adobe Framemaker Server v10.x
  • Adobe Framemaker Server v8.x
  • Adobe Framemaker Server v9.x
  • Adobe Framemaker v10.x
  • Adobe Framemaker v9.x
  • Adobe Illustrator CS4 v14.x
  • Adobe Illustrator CS5 v15.x
  • Adobe Incopy CS4 v6.x Adobe Incopy CS5 v7.x
  • Adobe Incopy CS5.5 v7.5x
  • Adobe Indesign CS4 v6.x
  • Adobe Indesign CS5 v7.x
  • Adobe Indesign CS5.5 v7.5x
  • Adobe Indesign Server CS4 v6.x
  • Adobe Indesign Server CS5 v7.x
  • Adobe Indesign Server CS5.5 v7.5x
  • Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES v2.x
  • Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES2 v3.x
  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES20v9.x
  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer v8.x
  • Adobe PhotoShop CS4 Extended v11.x
  • Adobe PhotoShop Cs5 Extended v12.x
  • Adobe PhotoShop CS5.1 Extended v12.1x
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements v10.x
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements v11.x *NEW*
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements v7.x ESD
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements v7.x TRIAL
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements v9.x
  • Adobe Photoshop LightRoom v1.x
  • Adobe Photoshop LightRoom v2.x
  • Adobe Photoshop LightRoom v3.x
  • Adobe Photoshop LightRoom v4.x
  • Adobe Premiere Elements v10.x
  • Adobe Premiere Elements v11.x *NEW*
  • Adobe Premiere Elements v7.x ESD
  • Adobe Premiere Elements v7.x TRIAL
  • Adobe Premiere Elements v9.x
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 v4.x
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 v5.x
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 v5.5x
  • Adobe Presenter v7.x
  • Adobe Robohelp Server v8.x
  • Adobe Robohelp Server v9.x
  • Adobe Robohelp v8.x
  • Adobe Robohelp v9.x
  • Adobe Soundbooth CS4 v2.x
  • Adobe Soundbooth CS5 v3.x
  • Adobe Technical Communication Suite v2.x
  • Adobe Technical Communycation Suite v3.5x
  • Adobe Visual Communicator v3.x

Saturday 9 November 2013

Tutorial Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0

- Root akan membuat smartphone android anda hilang warranty. Tetapi anda boleh kembalikan warranti anda setelah anda Unroot dengan cara flash ke Stock ROM .
- Segala risiko dan kerosakan terhadap smartphone anda adalah atas tanggungjawab anda sendiri.
- Jika anda bercadang untuk flash ROM, anda disyorkan mempunyai SEKURANG-KURANGNYA 80% Caj pada bateri anda.
- Sebelum melakukan ini, pastikan anda mempunyai cable USB Tablet dan pastikan juga driver sudah terpasang pada komputer anda (install aplikasi Kies pada komputer).
- Pastikan USB Debugging sudah di aktifkan (enable). Ia boleh didapati di sini: Settings->Developer Options->Enable USB Debugging

Tutorial Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 - ICS 4.0.4

1. Download:
i ) Odin 3.07 | Mirror Link 1Mirror Link 2  [1.2MB]
ii ) ClockworkMod Recovery : 
       - GT-P3113_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.1.0 | Mirror Link 1 | Mirror Link 2  [5.5MB]
iii ) | Mirror Link 1 |  Mirror Link 2  [1.2MB]
iv ) | Mirror Link 1 | Mirror Link 2  [145KB]

2. Copy " " dan " " ke EXTERNAL SD Card.

3. Matikan (OFF) smartphone anda.

4. Boot Table anda ke Download Mode (Tekan dan tahan butang Power+Volume Down) dan Tekan Volume Up untuk teruskan.

5. Jalankan aplikasi " Odin " pada komputer anda.

6. Klik pada butang PDA dan pilih " GT-P31XX_ClockworkMod-Recovery_X.X.X.X.tar " .

7. Sambungkan Tablet ke komputer anda menggunakan cable USB Cable.

8. Buang tanda (untick) pada "Auto Reboot" dan "F. Reset Time" dan Tekan Start .

9. Apabila Odin memaparkan " PASS ", cabut USB cable anda.

10. Selanjutnya, Tekan dan tahan butang Volume Up + Power . Apabila muncul Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 pada skrin , lepaskan butang Power tetapi tetap tekan dan tahan butang Volume Up + Power sehingga masuk ke  .

11. Pada CWM Recovery , pilih Install zip from Sdcard/Ext_Sdcard . (Gunakan button Volume UP dan Volume DOWN untuk memilih dan button POWER untuk enter)

12. Install " " terlebih dahulu, dan install pula " " .

13. Setelah proses root selesai, Reboot Tablet anda.

Video tutorial -->

Thursday 7 November 2013

FlashGET v1.73 / v1.9.6 / v3.7

FlashGET v1.73 / v1.9.6 / v3.7
FlashGET v1.73 / v1.9.6 / v3.7
FlashGet adalah pengurus muat turun terkemuka dan mempunyai jumlah tertinggi dari pengguna di internet. Ia menggunakan teknik MHT (Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation), menyokong pelbagai protokol dan mempunyai ciri-ciri pengurusan dokumen yang sangat baik. FlashGet adalah percuma tanpa sebarang adware atau spyware.

Official Website

Classic Version - FlashGet v1.73 / v1.9.6
Screenshot Classic Version - FlashGet v1.73 / v1.9.6

Latest Version - FlashGet v3.7
Screenshot Latest Version - FlashGet v3.7

Adobe CS3 / CS4 / CS5 / CS5.5 / CS6 / CC - Direct Link (Trial Product)

Cara Download:
Cara 1: Muatturun melalui  Cookie (Perlu Sign-in menggunakan Adobe ID anda jika perlu)
  1. Sign-in ke akaun Adobe ID anda. (Jika tiada, sila buat akaun Adobe ID anda terlebih dahulu) .
  2. Pergi ke link ni --> .
  3. Klik "Download Now" .
  4. Apabila proses download berjalan, sila batalkan (cancel) proses download tersebut.
  5. Dengan cookie yang tersimpan, anda boleh download mana-mana link di bawah.
Cara 2: Muatturun melalui (dengan mengubah user-agent)
  1. Gunakan aplikasi Download Manager seperti FDM dan FlashGet.
  2. Settings User-agent pada aplikasi download manager tersebut:
Setting User-Agent bagi FlashGet
Setting User-Agent bagi FDM
    3.  Ubahkan link download dibawah dari atau atau  atau ke .

Sebelum --->
Selepas  --->

Creative Suite 3 Trials
Product TrialExtra ContentTrialExtra
After Effects CS3*File 1File 2File 1File 2
Premiere Pro CS3*File 1File 2File 1File 2
Photoshop CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
Dreamweaver CS3File 1File 1
Illustrator CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
InDesign CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
InCopy CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
Flash Pro CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
Fireworks CS3File 1File 2File 1File 2
Contribute CS3File 1File 1
Soundbooth CS3File 1File 1
Acrobat 8 ProFile 1
Creative Suites
CS3 Master CollectionFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS3 Design PremiumFile 1File 2File 1File 2
CS3 Design StandardFile 1File 2File 1File 2
CS3 Web PremiumFile 1File 2File 1File 2
CS3 Web StandardFile 1File 2File 1File 2
CS3 Production Premium*File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Creative Suite 4 Trials
Product TrialExtra ContentTrialExtra
After Effects CS4*File 1File 2File 3File 4File 1File 2
Premiere Pro CS4*File 1File 2File 3File 4File 1File 2
Photoshop CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Dreamweaver CS4File 1File 2File 3File 4File 1File 2
Illustrator CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
InDesign CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
InCopy CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Flash Pro CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Fireworks CS4File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Contribute CS4File 1File 2File 1
Soundbooth CS4File 1File 2File 1
Acrobat 8 ProFile 1
Creative Suites
CS4 Master CollectionFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS4 Design PremiumFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS4 Design StandardFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS4 Web PremiumFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS4 Web StandardFile 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
CS4 Production Premium*File 1File 2File 3File 1File 2
Adobe CS5
Direct Downloads

EnglishWestern EuropeEnglishEurope
Photoshop CS5980 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Dreamweaver CS5326 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Illustrator CS51.3 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
InDesign CS5718 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
InCopy CS5559 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Flash Professional CS5859 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Flash Catalyst CS5508 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Flash Builder 4381 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Premiere Pro CS51.4 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
After Effects CS5989 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Contribute CS5306 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Fireworks CS5498 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Soundbooth CS5473 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Acrobat 9 Pro327 MBFile 1File 1
Creative Suites
CS5 Master Collection4.5 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5 Design Premium2.9 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5 Design Standard2.0 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5 Web Premium3.1 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5 Production Premium7.2 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Adobe CS5.5
Direct Downloads

EnglishWestern EuropeEnglishEurope
Photoshop CS5.1960 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Dreamweaver CS5.5390 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Illustrator CS5.11.3 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
InDesign CS5.5811 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
InCopy CS5.5604 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Flash Professional CS5.5934 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Flash Catalyst CS5.5637 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Flash Builder 4.51.0 GBFile 1File 1File 1File 1File 1File 1
Premiere Pro CS5.51.2 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
After Effects CS5.51.1 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Contribute CS5306 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Fireworks CS5498 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Audition CS5.5127 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Acrobat X Pro465 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Creative Suites
CS5.5 Master Collection5.1 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5.5 Design Premium3.6 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5.5 Design Standard2.5 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5.5 Web Premium4.0 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS5.5 Production Prem6.9 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Adobe CS6
Direct Downloads

EnglishWestern EuropeEnglishEurope
Photoshop CS61.1 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Illustrator CS61.8 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Dreamweaver CS6272 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Fireworks CS6438 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
InDesign CS6879 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
InCopy CS6638 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Flash Professional CS61.1 GBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Flash Builder 4.71.0 GBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Premiere Pro CS61.1 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
After Effects CS6997 MBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Audition CS6223 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Prelude CS6488 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
SpeedGrade CS695 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Adobe Muse32 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Adobe Edge Animate143 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Acrobat X Pro465 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Adobe Camera Raw 8.288 MBFile 1File 1File 1File 1
Creative Suites
CS6 Master Collection6.2 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS6 Design & Web Prem4.5 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS6 Design Standard3.7 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
CS6 Production Prem5.8 GBFile 1File 2File 1File 2File 1File 1
Adobe CC
Direct Downloads
WindowsMac OS
See the CC System Requirements for complete platform information.

‘****’ = No File 1 – just use a utility like 7-Zip to extract File 2.
Photoshop CC1.3 GBFile 1File 2881 MBFile 1
Illustrator CC1.8 GBFile 1File 21.8 GBFile 1
Dreamweaver CC324 MBFile 1315 MBFile 1
InDesign CC1.1 GBFile 1File 2854 MBFile 1
InCopy CC952 MBFile 1File 2628 MBFile 1
Flash Professional CC922 MBFile 11.1 GBFile 1
Premiere Pro CC1.0 GBFile 1File 21.2 GBFile 1
After Effects CC1.1 GBFile 1File 21.3 GBFile 1
Audition CC277 MBFile 1323 MBFile 1
Prelude CC599 MBFile 1620 MBFile 1
SpeedGrade CC126 MBFile 1155 MBFile 1
Adobe Muse CC59 MBFile 1182 MBFile 1
Edge Animate CC143 MBFile 149 MBFile 1
Edge Code CC30 MB****File 234 MBFile 1
Edge Inspect CC30 MB****File 229 MBFile 1
Edge Reflow CC25 MB****File 228 MBFile 1
Adobe Scout CC17 MB****File 213 MBFile 1
Bridge CC (32-bit)314 MBFile 1File 2370 MBFile 1
Bridge CC (64-bit)349 MBFile 1File 2370 MBFile 1
Extension Manager CC108 MBFile 1File 2103 MBFile 1
CC Desktop App3 MBFile 15 MBFile 1
Other Tools Included in Creative Cloud
Fireworks CS6438 MBFile 1627 MBFile 1
Encore CS6 (readme)1.1 GBFile 1File 21.6 GBFile 1
Flash Builder 4.7 Prem1.0 GBFile 11.1 GBFile 1
Lightroom 5869 MBFile 1513 MBFile 1
Acrobat XI Pro498 MBFile 1File 2585 MBFile 1
Adobe Camera Raw 8.247 MB****File 238 MBFile 1
ExtendScript Toolkit94 MBFile 196 MBFile 1
Exchange Panel Toolkit79 MBFile 1File 290 MBFile 1
Adobe Gaming SDK270 MBFile 1284 MBFile 1
Touch App Plugins3.9 MBFile 18 MBFile 1